Specialist Program
The music program at Antonio Catholic School is engaging, fun and exciting. We value our well-equipped music room, instruments and programs. Throughout their time at Antonio, students will engage in an instrumental immersion program, learning ukulele, keyboard, guitar, and drumming.
Students from Reception to Year 6 perform at assemblies and our end of year productions which will include elements of. music, dance, drama and visual arts.
We have a variety of ensembles that rehearse weekly, including choir, band and drum corps. Individual and small group instrumental tuition is also available for our students if they wish to pursue further musical learning with Pathways Music School. Our ensembles will perform at various times during the year and the students engaging instrumental tuition will participate in a concert in either term 3 or 4.
In 2022, we entered in Wakakirri for the first time. Wakikirri is a national story dance festival that involves schools across Australia.
Music also features throughout our Religious Education program, Graduation and End of Year celebrations, and at other school events, as part of a holistic education.

Physical Education
Antonio has a long and valued tradition in sport and we are all proud of our achievements. We value student physical fitness and wellbeing.
Alex Field is our specialist sports teacher who facilitates two weekly sports lessons for each class and supports staff in running daily fitness activities. Alex also co-ordinates student participation in various after school sports, clinics and carnivals across the age groups, including our youngest Reception students.
The students enjoy utilising a wide selection of sporting equipment and using our oval and full-sized gym. Our nature play spaces also provide a great obstacle course, walking and running track.
Our students are given extensive exposure to numerous sports and physical pursuits through a year-long comprehensive physical education program and other activities including:
- Participation in SAPSASA activities in many sports leading to significant representation by students in district, state and national teams
- High level of participation in SA Catholic Schools Sports Associations carnivals (athletics, swimming, cross country running, team handball, rugby and netball)
- School teams in basketball, netball, soccer and football competitions
- In school sporting clinics funded through the 'Sporting Schools' program where children develop sports skills while working with accredited coaches
- Have-a Go cricket and Auskick programs
- Annual School Sports Day
- School camps for all year 3-6 students which include a range of sporting and physical activities
Languages - Auslan (Australian Sign Language)
In 2022 we began our Auslan learning journey with Madelene Keelan our Auslan Teacher. As a specialist lesson we engage with Auslan lessons once a week and incorporate our learning through everything we do.
Students are exposed to a range of different topics and learn the signs in Auslan, as well as develop their fingerspelling techniques. It’s important for us at Antonio that we embrace Auslan as a culture. We are developing an understanding of the deaf and hard of hearing community along with the successes and challenges they face.
At Antonio our Aulsan lessons are about engaging students through games, movement, song, prayer and building an Auslan vocabulary. We are excited to see where our new learning journey takes us.